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Cheap car insurance is available, before your buy your next policy make sure your are properly insured. One way to find cheap insurance is to drive around your local area, collect documents and data, bring it home and go through it. This is time consuming and might not be the most effective way to find the best deals. Searching on-line for cheap car insurance is the fastest and most effective way to compare quotes and deals. Don't jump in and accept the first cheap car insurance quote, with a little bit of help you can reduce the premiums.
1. Rise the deductible fee, usually in the event of an accident you must pay a deductible fee. Usually around $250 is the amount you will have to pay if you make a claim, rising this fee to $500 will give you a cheaper auto insurance quote. Consider the facts, have you ever has and accident, if the answer is no then why keep paying the higher premium.
2. Many auto insurance companies will offer discounts if your are married, over the age of 25, female, the engine size, family car and if you are in the army. All the saving will add up to give you a cheaper car insurance quote.
3. The cheapest quote is not always the best deal, are you covered properly with the quote. There is nothing worse than having to make a claim and learning that you are not insured properly. Read the fine print before you sign on the dotted line.
4. Find and compare cheap car insurance on line, get them to send you written proof of your quote, see if you present insurer will match your quote. Giving you the opportunity to stay with the same company and them the opportunity to keep you business.
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